Domestic Violence Protection Order Services in Everett, WA

Serving Snohomish County

Domestic violence creates a very serious situation for everyone involved, and it can lead to life-changing circumstances. If you need domestic violence attorney services in Everett, WA, or the surrounding areas, turn to the Evergreen Family Law Group PLLC. Our experienced team of attorneys can help.

What Is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a form of abuse between individuals in a marriage or who live together. This violence can be physical, emotional, financial, or sexual in nature, and its effects can be life-lasting on both the individual being abused as well as any children who live at home.

You may be able to get a domestic violence protection order if your partner behaves in any of the following ways:

  • Physically, emotionally, or sexually harms you
  • Regularly bullies or yells at you
  • Threatens to harm you or people close to you
  • Attempts to control aspects of your life that you should be autonomous over
  • Controls your access to money or makes you explain every purchase
  • Displays violent behavior near you
  • Forbids you from contacting your friends and family
  • Prevents you from taking medications or engaging in other health-related behaviors
Domestic violence can take many forms. It can be obvious or subtle. And both men and women suffer from this form of violence. If you aren’t sure if your situation constitutes as a domestic violence case, contact our office right away. Our attorneys can help you determine what legal path you should take.

How Can a Protection Order Help?

If you have a case for a domestic violence protection order, you may be able to obtain a non-criminal or civil protection order or a restraining order. Without a protection or restraining order, you and your children’s safety is at jeopardy.

Protection Order Filed Against You

If a domestic violence protection order has been filed against you, you could potentially lose custody of your children, your home, or even employment.

Call our office today at 425-783-0044 to discuss your case so you can protect your rights and your family.

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